2nd instalment of QuincyRockers merchandise
Thats right! Here's MORE QuincyRockers merchandise for you adoring fans out that. Can't get enough of the 1m tattoos? Or not contented with the sole design, and having the same chest tattoo as other fans? This is a chance to be different, and establish yourself as THE NUMBER 1 FAN. The QR is releasing the second instalment of their merchandise. This time, it is a set of beautiful hand-drawn stickers. Behold!
Observe the intricate patterns on the instruments. If you look closely, each instrument has a slightly different design theme. These designs reflect the different personalities of each of the band members, and the similiarities represent their joint love for their music. Much effort was put in in the brainstorming of slogans. Many ideas were put forth, but only the best were chosen. The slogans were selected based on how well they cater to the fans, and how well it brings out the enthusiasm and love of the fans. As you can see, creating these series took an immense amount of time and effort. Yes, you guessed it, the stickers are designed by the QuincyRockers themselves, much of the credit going to pianist Clara Goh.
These stickers are limited edition only. ONLY 500 sets! Rushing out to get your stickers even as you read this? Not too fast, dear fans. The auction of the stickers will begin from tommorow morning(8/7/07) onward, 8am, and the last bid at 5pm. The starting price is $10, and each bid adds $2 to the previous bid. We await your bids! -QR marketing department
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