Thursday, November 15, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
Jingle with the QUINCY ROCKERS!

(Seventeen) - Sasha Gonzalezzzzz gets up close and personal with World's Best Band, the QUINCY ROCKERS, and discovers an ambitious band who will definitely be the rising star in this music industry and have total control of their music destiny.
The Quincy Rockers are sure rocking the world thus far with another album release. Their sophomore album Jingle with the QRs is a Christmas Special, with soulful renditions of Christmas tunes arranged and performed by the QRs themselves!
The Quincy Rockers has sold millions of albums worldwide (their debut album Bringing Sexy Back, was just released last month), which is absolutely mind-blowing, considering the fact that these musicians are just 17! And in less than a month, the QRs have released yet another music album, which is flying off shelves twice the speed of that of their debut! Following their musical success, the Singapore Band will set off for their 2nd World Tour, Explosion. That's extremely good for a band who's only been in this industry for less than a year!
In town recently to promote their new album Jingle with the QRs, the QRs kindly agreed to hang out with us and let us delve into the secrets of their band's success:
17: Tell us about your new album, Jingle with the QRs.
Clara: Jingle with the QRs is a lot more soulful than our debut. In this album, we had a lot more freedom on our musical direction especially in music arrangement.
Xinru: Moreover, this time, Shiling [cellist of the QRs] could not be present for our album's recording due to her guest performance as the principal cellist of the London Philharmonic Orchestra. However, she was also involved in the musical direction of this album as we had tons of video conferrences with her while she was touring.
Quincy: Ya.
17: Having churned out album after album, don't you guys find it tiring and feel like quiting?
QRs: Definitely not!
Xinru: Music is our passion, and our life! We love playing and composing and we'll never ever stop doing it!
Quincy: We're so pro[fessional] we could finish all these songs in one day!
Clara: It may be tiring, but we'll continuing with our music and churn out albums by the gazillion, for our fans, and for our love for music! In fact, we're currently working on our third album and have already recorded a few tracks.
17: Wow! You guys are really ambitious. Do you guys plan to do anything else besides music?
Quincy: Besides being musically talented, we can bake, cook, design fashion apparel, organise campaigns to boycott shark's fins, design our QR merchandise, write our own biographies, cause airline tickets to be soldout till a strike occurs at Changi Airport, disiguise ourselves as other famous stars [but why would they ever do that? people already love them for who they are!]. Oh not forgetting, I caused Rain to cry too! See, we can do lots of other stuff beside music, we're multi-talented!
17: How have your family and friends reacted to your success?
Clara: They've been very supportive. They're very proud and happy for everything that I, together with my band mates, have achieved so far.
Quincy: There were some of my friends who got a bit wierd with me when I became successful, especially after that incident when I made Rain cry. Maybe they were jealous or something, and they stopped being friends with me.
17: How do you deal with public interest in your life and the band's personal affairs?
Xinru: I think we're dealing it real well. I'm always flattered when fans come up to me and ask for my autograph, but at the same time, this life can get kind of crazy especially with the papparazi mobbing us.
Clara: But thank God we have our transformers to protect us!
17: What advice would you give youngsters with big dreams?
Quincy: Keep idolising the QRs and follow in our footsteps. You'll never go wrong.
17: Complete this sentence. The Quincy Rockers are...
QRs: The best band in the world!
WIN! Five autographed copies of the Quincy Rockers' Jingle with the QRs are up for grabs! Simply e-mail your contact details(name, NRIC, contactno.) to (subject line: QUINCYROCKERS ROCK) Closing date: November 20, 2007

Friday, November 9, 2007
High-end Luxury Fashion Companies Clamour to sponsor the QRs latest World Tour

Countless proposals have been streaming into the QR Headquarters (Singapore branch), all with the same aim and purpose, which is to provide the almighty QRs with a beguiling wardrobe, complete with a variety of costume changes, makeup stylists, fashion consultants, hair products and cosmetics, for their upcoming World Tour 2008 - EXPLOSION.
The President of Jimmy Choo, Tamara Mellon, was so eager to have the QRs don her shoes, that she sent along a gift packaging, [of 4-inch high mules, stilettos and the coveted limited edition Stardust Sandals] wrapped in gold foil wrapping paper, along with her proposal.

Jimmy Choo's Stardust Sandal
Thus far, only Prada and Yves Saint Lauren's proposals have been accepted. Both companies will be sponsoring crystal-encrusted gloves for the 4 musicians, which they'll be using for their special performance item during the Asia Leg of their world tour.
Requests, by MiuMiu [to sponsor sunglasses], Louis Vuitton [to provide totes, pendants and other accessories], Chanel, Marc Jacobs and Versace [to provide perfumes], Lacoste [to sponsor socks], Tory Buch [to sponsor Cat Suits], Christian Dior[to sponsor jewellery], Emporio Armmani Women [to provide pant suits and velvet tuxedos], Vera Wang [to sponsor leather jackets], Gucci [to sponsor feather hats], Rolex, Longines and Voglia [to sponsor timepieces], Valentino [to sponsor red gowns], Tiffany [to provide hairbands and other hair accessories], Clairns,Estee Lauder, Lancome and Guerlain [to provide makeup and fashion consultants] and Hugo Boss[to provide black leather shoes for Quincy], were all downright rejected by QRs HR Department, as they were seen to be inferior goods.
"All their products did not meet the cut! What we're looking for are apparel that consider the elusive ideal of glamour, something easy to to recognise, harder to define and impossible to emulate", said a spokesman from the HR Department. "Our very own label, Q&R, is the epitome of luxury fashion, and no other brand can fit the bill so perfectly."
Thursday, November 8, 2007
The Quincy Rockers World Tour 2008

( - Online) - The Quincy Rockers World Tour 2008
Public Sales start on 5 Nov 2007

18Jan - 19Jan 2008
Singapore Indoor Stadium
TICKET PRICE (Exclude Booking Fee)
Standard - S$198, S$168, S$138, S$108, S$78, S$28
Please add to above price $2 Booking Fee for tickets above $20 and $1 Booking Fee for tickets $20 and below. Charges include GST where applicable. >> Click for Seat Plan
No admission for infant in arms and child aged below 2 years old. Child 2 years old and above must purchase ticket for admission.
* No Photography, Video recording and Audio recording is allowed for this event!
>> Click for Details
Hailed as “World's Best Band”, The Quincy Rockers are set to once again take Singapore by storm following their last successful sold-out performance here 5 months ago! Throughout their career, the QRS have garnered countless successes and accolades including Best Song(SexyBack), Best Album(Bringing Sexy Back), Best Composer, Top 10 Hits in the various Music Award ceremonies in Asia and Europe. The QRs unique style is unparalleled by another and they continue to make breakthroughs by intertwining Classical and Pop music. The fusion of the two cultures is not only fresh-sounding, but has also set a pioneer status in the music industry. The musically gifted band catapulted to stardom this year with the release of their sophomore album “Bringing Sexy Back” that yielded numerous hits such as "SexyBack", "Black Fur Coat" and "My Oh My". This album has achived double platinum status for album sales and has sold more than 100 million copies worldwide within a month! Their highly anticipated new music release "Ephemeral" is set to raise storm and further establish the QRs as the top new-age musicians in the world.
Approx 2 hrs 30 mins
English, Mandarin, French, German, Japanese & Korean
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Q&R takes over Vivo City!

(TODAY, WEEKEND STYLE) - Today was just another showing of how crazy fashion can make people. The Quincy Rockers' new line for Q&R launched this morning at Vivo City's new outlet, and the line snaked around the store. Here’s the minute-by-minute account of the event.
7:15: Crawl out of bed to face the crowds.
8:36: Interview first girl in line, who claims her aspirations are to model and that the QRs are her favorite designers. Looks like we found them a new runway girl. She’s aiming to buy the gold dress with encrusted diamonds and leather coat with fur trimmings.
9:12: The Quincy Rockers arrive to a screaming line of fans and paparazzi. Thank goodness their entourage of bodyguards and 4 transformers were at the scene to protect them from being mobbed by the masses.
9:17: Press rushes the front door as the QRs enter, shoving cameras and mikes in their faces.
9:56: The QRs are escorted to the middle of the escalator where they prepare to watch over the entire scene. (Body guards surrounding them, of course, forming an indomitable human-like fortress)

10:56: Doors to the Q&R store open and the customers run in, grabbing entire racks, of whom most were unable to make purchase payments due to the high prices of the Q&R apparel.
11:02: Everything is gone from the first floor. Guards are watching the mannequins and salespeople are on platforms trying to bring order to the madness. Two girls are pulling each other’s hair off on the floor for a black velvet dress. Meanwhile, bodyguards are stepping up their duty, making sure that no one harms the QRs.
11:05: Screaming begins from the middle of the store, as it seems a throng of girls and salespeople have gone down in attempts to re-stock. Lots of foul language.
11:20: Retreat to normalcy on the street after fighting out the door.
Monday, November 5, 2007

Sunday, November 4, 2007
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Q&Rs Latest Designs Grace the Runway at Milan
Friday, November 2, 2007
Dior Eye Brilliance!