(TODAY, WEEKEND STYLE) - Today was just another showing of how crazy fashion can make people. The Quincy Rockers' new line for Q&R launched this morning at Vivo City's new outlet, and the line snaked around the store. Here’s the minute-by-minute account of the event.
7:15: Crawl out of bed to face the crowds.
8:36: Interview first girl in line, who claims her aspirations are to model and that the QRs are her favorite designers. Looks like we found them a new runway girl. She’s aiming to buy the gold dress with encrusted diamonds and leather coat with fur trimmings.
9:12: The Quincy Rockers arrive to a screaming line of fans and paparazzi. Thank goodness their entourage of bodyguards and 4 transformers were at the scene to protect them from being mobbed by the masses.
9:17: Press rushes the front door as the QRs enter, shoving cameras and mikes in their faces.
9:56: The QRs are escorted to the middle of the escalator where they prepare to watch over the entire scene. (Body guards surrounding them, of course, forming an indomitable human-like fortress)

10:56: Doors to the Q&R store open and the customers run in, grabbing entire racks, of whom most were unable to make purchase payments due to the high prices of the Q&R apparel.
11:02: Everything is gone from the first floor. Guards are watching the mannequins and salespeople are on platforms trying to bring order to the madness. Two girls are pulling each other’s hair off on the floor for a black velvet dress. Meanwhile, bodyguards are stepping up their duty, making sure that no one harms the QRs.
11:05: Screaming begins from the middle of the store, as it seems a throng of girls and salespeople have gone down in attempts to re-stock. Lots of foul language.
11:20: Retreat to normalcy on the street after fighting out the door.
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