Saturday, June 9, 2007

Background Information of the Quincy Rockers

(AP) - Even with their minders safeguarding and protecting their background history and personal lives with great efforts, sources were still able to dig out classified information of the Quincy Rockers.

Humble Qualifications of the Members of the band

Quincy Cheng, violinist of the Quincy Rockers
personal humble qualifications
- Performed in the Burmingham Palace in front of Queen Elizabeth II at age 6
- Graduated from the Prestigious Royal Music School of London with a First Class Honours at age 3
- Former principal violinist of the London Symphony Orchestra and Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
- Tutored many international renowned violinists including Vanessa Mae
- Caused RAIN, international star and Korea's hottest sensation, to cry in front of the press in Los Angeles
- Furthered his studies at the University School of Music, world's best university for music, with a Masters Degree in Musical Arts and a Ph.D in musicology, music composition, advanced studies in Violin and Contempory Studies in Music

Clara Goh, pianist of the Quincy Rockers
personal humble qualifications
- Youngest person in the world to earn a diploma in piano (both practical and theory) at age 3 months
- Youngest girl in history who was awarded World's Best Pianist (1995) at the Grand Pianist Awards in London at age 5
- At age 6, she embarked on countless world tours with the London Symphony Orchestra and the Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, and was solo pianist for all performances
- Graduated from the Venice Conservatory of Music with Gold Star Honours, a new grade created just for her exceptionally fantastic playing
- Was awarded the Nobel Prize in Music, a category specially created by the Nobel Committee just to recognise the wonderful talent by the world's child prodigy, Clara Goh
- Performed for George W. Bush, President of the United States, during his 41st Birthday Celebration
- Furthered her studies at the University School of Music, world's best university for music, with a Ph.D in musicology, music composition, advanced studies in Piano and Contempory Studies in Music

Tan Xin Ru, guitarist of the Quincy Rockers
personal humble qualifications
- Graduated from the Royal Music School in Prague at age 3, with such good results that she reduced the entire Board of Directors, from the European Association of Music( EAM), to tears.
- Performed on countless world tours as the lead guitarist together with famous celebrities like Elvis Presley, Elton John and Eric Clapton
- Former Solo guitarist of the London Symphony Orchestra and Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
- Youngest girl in history who was awarded World's Best Guitarist (1994) at the Great Guitarist Awards in Italy at age 4
- Was awarded the top prize in the World Music Awards(1996) for her amazing fretting techniques
- Obtained her Masters Degree in Advanced Guitar Studies and Bachelor of Music Degree at a young age of 8
- She went on to further her studies in Music and graduated from the University School of Music, world's best university for music, with a Ph.D in musicology, music composition, music education, and advanced studies in Guitar

Goh Shiling, celloist of the Quincy Rockers
personal humble qualifications
- Graduated from the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) with a diploma in Advance Cello Studies (practical and theory), at age 3
- Was the youngest girl in history to have performed at the World Music Fiesta(1991) at age 9 months
- Former principal celloist of the London Symphony Orchestra and Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
- Performed for Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States, during his 50th Birthday Celebration
- Was crowned World's Best Musician(1997) majoring in Cello, at age 7
- Went on to pursue an education in Music and graduated from the University School of Music, world's best university for music, with a Ph.D in music education, advanced studies in music composition and advanced studies in cello

How the Quincy Rockers met?

It all began at the University School of Music (USM) , world's best university for music. It was the place in France - where the 4 child prodigies who were the youngest ever to enrol into the university's campus - crossed each others' paths. At age 9, they began pursuing their education in Music at the USM and eventually graduated with countless Ph.Ds.

The four members thereby continued their journey, embarking on world tours with the London Symphony Orchestra (LSO) and the Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra (PSO). With their stunning contributions, the four members made the LSO and PSO what they are today - renowned orchestras in the world!

After pursuing music for a period of 17 years, the 4 members decided to take a break from world tours with the LSO and PSO. In fact, their dream was to tour the world as a band to bring their music forward to the masses globally. Their vision was to impact the lives of the human communites throughout the entire region with their wonderful music. Hence, in order to fufil those dreams, they formed the band QUINCY ROCKERS!!!

Quincy Rockers is now currently managed by a group of 8 minders, 2 for each member, 10 (and still counting) bodyguards to protect them from throngs of emotionally-charged diehard fans, 107 stylists, and a board of 16 directors to access and manage the band's performance and direction throughout their career.

Though they may have tons of difficulties managing their heavy school workload in Victoria Junior College (Singapore), they nevertheless have the zest, vigour and passion for music and will continue to live their dreams of establishing and bringing the QUINCY ROCKERS to greater heights!


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