Saturday, June 23, 2007

It has been recognised by the Ministry of Useful&Helpful Acts, that Clara Goh, world renowned pianist and member of the Quincy Rockers, has carried out the following useful&helpful acts on the 23rd of June, a day that the whole of Singapore should mark down on their calendars.

1) Helped an old lady cross the road despite her being late for her studio sound check
2) Made Paris Hilton's day by specially designing a body-hugging catsuit from her new fashion line
3) Made the Prime Minister of Singapore happy by baking a chocoalte truffle cake, and humbly accepting the request to dine with him and the rest of the cabinet ministers
4) Helped save a cat stuck up in the tree in East Coast Park
5) Agreed to take a photo with one adoring diehard fan

For these Useful&Helpful Acts carried out, Clara Goh has been crowned Little Miss Helpful of Singapore.

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