(The Economist) 2 weeks after the world reknown band's stunning performance at Live Earth, the US and Austrailia revised their initial stands, and finally agreed to sign the Kyoto Protocol. This move signifies a great achievement in international efforts to conserve the environment. With the increasing reliance on electricity and manufactured products, carbon emmissions have been rapidly rising in the last decade or two. The creation of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 is one of the most successful attempts at eradicating this problem. Kyoto Protocol countries agree to set tradeable permits on industries carbon emmisions, in order to restrict the amount of pollution. "It[the Kyoto Protocol] is truly a brilliant idea, not only does it reduce pollution, it gives firms an incentive to lower emissions as well," marvelled world reknown economist, Margarette Tang. The tradeable permits gives firms with low costs of reducing pollution a chance to profit from selling their unused permits to other firms with higher costs. The protocol hence narrows the MSC and MPC gap, hence bringing production levels closer to the socially optimum level. It is truly an ingenious plan. Unfortunately, not everything can be perfect.(except for the QuincyRockers) When first introduced, countries with high emmissions like US, Austrailia and China refused to sign the protocol. However, against all odds, one Live Earth performance by the band managed to change the unaccepting countrie's mindset. When interviewed at a press conference yesterday, the US president only gave vague reasons for his sudden change in mindset. However, many suspect the true reason lies in the QuincyRockers as the President was spotted cheering and dancing to the soul enchanting music of the band during Live Earth. When questioned, he denied being a fan, but many are skeptical. After all, there can be only one person who turns up in a concert draped in an American flag and surrounded by bodyguards that rival those of the QuincyRockers themselves. No prizes for guessing who.

dont you just love the QuincyRockers?
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