(Entertainment A-Z) The manager of the QuincyRockers(QRs) has revealed in a conference yesterday that the QRs are inviting a guest stripper for their upcoming Live Earth! performance. Said guitarist Tan Xin Ru, : "We[the band] feel that our stripper[Alvin Leow], has too little experience in stripping for huge crowds. We also think that a familiar face would be more appealing to the Japanese audience." The lucky stripper is none other than the famous and hilarious Hard Gay! Known for his hip-thrusting dance and trademark call[HOoo!], Hard Gay is bound to be a hit in both the live audience and viewers worldwide. As of this moment, internet forums and QR fansites are buzzing with excitement. This collaboration with Hard Gay is definitely adding to the anticipation. What about the band's current stripper, you might ask? Despite his replacement, Leow seems optimistic. "If the band feels that I am not good enough yet, then I will respect their decision. I would not want to put up a lousy performance for the audience too. Furthermore, this would be a great chance to learn from another in the same line. These chances don't come easily you know, the stripping line is actually very competitive..." With this in mind, fans of the QR can look foward to greater entertainment from the QRs in the near future.
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